According to the source of raw materials:
1 wood activated carbon
2 animal bones, blood carbon
3 Mineral activated carbon
4 other raw materials activated carbon
5 regenerated activated carbon
According to the manufacturing method:
1 Chemical activated carbon (chemical carbon)
2 Physical activated carbon
3 chemical - physical or physical - chemical method of activated carbon
According to material points:
Coconut shell activated carbon
Shell activated carbon (including apricot shell activated carbon, nut shell activated carbon, walnut shell activated carbon)
Wood activated carbon
Coal activated carbon
Main use
1, domestic activated carbon
Air purification: the use of activated carbon placed in the room to absorb formaldehyde in the air, xylene, etc.
Hazardous materials (especially the newly renovated house),
Furniture to smell: activated carbon can be used to buy new furniture placed in the cabinet \ drawer \ refrigerator
Car in addition to taste: new car generally contains a lot of harmful substances \ unpleasant smell, with activated carbon can be effectively removed
2, sewage treatment plant exhaust adsorption
3, drink water treatment
4, power plant water pretreatment
5, wastewater treatment
6, biological wastewater treatment
7, toxic waste water treatment
8, petrochemical without alkali sweetening
9, solvent recovery (because activated carbon can adsorb organic solvent)
10, chemical catalyst carrier
11, canister
12, gold extraction
13, chemical storage exhaust purification
14, sugar, alcohol, monosodium glutamate refining, decolorization of food and medicine
15, ethylene desalted water packing
16, automobile exhaust purification
17, PTA oxidation equipment purification gas Eighteen